
Jenis kamera berdasarkan media penangkap cahaya

Kamera film menggunakan pita seluloid (atau sejenisnya, sesuai perkembangan teknologi). Butiran silver halida yang menempel pada pita ini sangat sensitif terhadap cahaya. Saat proses cuci film, silver halida yang telah terekspos cahaya dengan ukuran yang tepat akan menghitam, sedangkan yang kurang atau sama sekali tidak terekspos akan tanggal dan larut bersama cairan pengembang (developer).

Kamera film

Jenis kamera film yang digunakan adalah dari jenis 35 milimeter, yang menjadi populer karena keserbagunaan dan kecepatannya saat memotret, karena kamera ini berukuran kecil, kompak dan tidak mencolok. Lensa kadang dapat dipertukarkan, dan kamera itu dapat memuat gulungan film untuk 36 singkapan, bahkan kadang lebih.

Jenis film

Pembagian film berdasarkan ukuran:

  • Small format (35mm)
  • Medium format (100-120mm)
  • Large format

Angka di atas berarti ukuran diagonal film yang digunakan. Setiap jenis ukuran film haru menggunakan kamera yang berbeda pula.

Pembagian film berdasarkan jenis bahan dan kesensitifannya:

  • Film hitam putih
  • Film warna
  • Film positif
  • Film negatif
  • Film daylight
  • Film tungsten
  • Film infra merah (sensitif terhadap panas yang dipantulkan permukaan objek)

Kamera polaroid

Kamera jenis ini memakai lembaran polaroid yang langsung memberikan gambar positif sehingga pemotret tidak perlu melakukan proses cuci cetak film.

Kamera digital

Kamera jenis ini merupakan kamera yang dapat bekerja tanpa menggunakan film. Si pemotret dapat dengan mudah menangkap suatu objek tanpa harus susah-susah membidiknya melalui jendela pandang karena kamera digital sebagian besar memang tidak memilikinya. Sebagai gantinya, kamera digital menggunakan sebuah layar LCD yang terpasang di belakang kamera. Lebar layar LCD pada setiap kamera digital berbeda-beda.

Sebagai media penyimpanan, kamera digital menggunakan internal memory ataupun external memory yang menggunakan memory card.

source wikipedia

Komponen kamera

Sebuah kamera minimal terdiri atas:

  • Kotak yang kedap cahaya (badan kamera)
  • Sistem lensa
  • Pemantik potret (shutter)
  • Pemutar film

Badan kamera

Badan kamera adalah ruangan yang sama sekali kedap cahaya, namun dihubungkan dengan lensa yang darimana menjadi satu-satunya tempat cahaya akan masuk. Di dalam bagian ini cahaya yang difokuskan oleh lensa akan diatur agar tepat mengenai dan membakar film.

Di dalam kamera untuk tujuan seni fotografi, biasanya ditambahkan beberapa tombol pengatur, antara lain:

  • Pengatur ISO/ASA Film.
  • Shutter Speed.
  • Aperture (Bukaan Diafragma).

Jika diperlukan bisa pula ditambah peralatan:

Sistem lensa

Sistem lensa dipasang pada lubang depan kotak, berupa sebuah lensa tunggal yang terbuat dari plastik atau kaca, atau sejumlah lensa yang tersusun dalam suatu silinder logam.

Tingkat penghalangan cahaya dinyatakan dengan angka f, atau bukaan relatifnya. Makin rendah angka f ini, makin besar bukaannya atau makin kecil tingkat penghalangannya. Bukaan ini diatur oleh jendela diafragma. Bukaan relatif diatur oleh suatu diafragma. Untuk kamera SLR, lensa dilengkapi dengan pengatur bukaan diafragma yang mengatur banyaknya cahaya yang masuk sesuai keinginan fotografer.

Jenis lensa cepat ataupun lensa lambat ditentukan oleh rentang nilai F yang dapat digunakan.

Disamping lensa biasa, dikenal juga lensa sudut lebar (wide lens), lensa sudut kecil (tele lens), dan lensa variabel (variable lens, atau oleh kalangan awam disebut dengan istilah lensa zoom.

Lensa sudut lebar mempunyai jarak fokus yang lebih kecil daripada lensa biasa. Namun sebutan itu bergantung pada lebarnya film yang digunakan. Untuk film 35 milimeter, lensa 35 milimeter akan disebut lensa sudut lebar, sedangkan lensa 135 milimeter akan disebut lensa telefoto.

Lensa variabel dapat diubah-ubah jarak fokusnya, dengan mengubah kedudukan relatif unsur-unsur lensa tersebut. Lensa akan memfokuskan cahaya sehingga dihasilkan bayangan sesuai ukuran film. Lensa dikelompokkan sesuai panjang focal length (jarak antara kedua lensa).

Focal lenght mempengaruhi besar komposisi gambar yang mampu dihasilkan. Dalam masyarakat umum, lebih dikenal dengan istilah zoom.

Pemantik Potret

Tombol pemantik potret atau shutter dipasang di belakang lensa atau di antara lensa. Kebanyakan kamera SLR mempunyai mekanisme pengatur waktu untuk memungkinkan mengubah-ubah lama bukaan shutter. Waktu ini ialah singkatnya pemetik potret itu membuka, sehingga memungkinkan berkas cahaya mengenai film.

Beberapa masyarakat awam menganggap kemampuan kamera sebanding dengan besarnya nilai maksimum shutter speed yang bisa digunakan.

Bagian lain

Bagian lain sebuah kamera, antara lain:

  1. Mekanisme memutar film gulungan agar bagian-bagian film itu bergantian dapat disingkapkan pada objek
  2. Mekanisme fokus yang dapat mengubah-ubah jarak antara lensa dan film,
  3. Pemindai komposisi pemotretan (range finder) yang menunjukkan apa saja yang akan terpotret serta apakah objek utama akan terfokuskan
  4. lightmeter untuk membantu menetapkan kecepatan pemetik potret dan atau besarnya bukaan, agar banyaknya cahaya yang mengenai film cukup tepat sehingga diperoleh bayangan atau gambar yang memuaskan.

Beberapa kamera, terutama jenis kamera poket biasanya tidak memiliki salah satu dari bagian-bagian tersebut.

Digital photography is a form of photography that uses digital technology to make images of subjects. Until the advent of such technology, photography used photographic film to create images which could be made visible by photographic processing. By contrast, digital photographs can be displayed, printed, stored, manipulated, transmitted, and archived using digital and computer techniques, without chemical processing.

Digital photography is one of several forms of digital imaging. Digital images are also created by non-photographic equipment such as computer tomography scanners and radio telescopes. Digital images can also be made by scanning conventional photographic images.

The camera is a mechanical device (hardware) which consists of several components in the design of equipment in such a way that it can serve as a device capable of recording images.

camera texture Pictures, Images and Photos
Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera

Some types of cameras:

1. Range finder camera

The simplest cameras and usually this type of camera has a viewer, direct (direct vision camera). Almost all of these small cameras, the facility contained in this very simple camera and the camera is only suitable for shooting personal documentation.

Examples: Nikon AF 35 m, Autoboy Canon, Yashica, Minolta, Fuji MDL, etc..

2. Camera Single Lens Reflex (SLR) or Single Lens Reflex (RLT)

This type of camera is the most popular among amateur and professional photographers. This camera facilities vary so that makes it possible to create at will, but that the lenses can also interchangeable. The size of the film used was 35mm. Working system using a mirror reflex and the penta prism. Example: FM10 Nikon, Canon AE-!, Asahi Pentax, Vivitar V3000S.

3. Roll Film Single Lens Reflex

This type of camera is very similar to the SLR / RLT usual, just different sizes are used film is the film roll. Example: elx Hasselblad, Mamiya RB 67, 66 Rolleiflex, etc..

4. Twins Camera Lens Rreflex (TLR) or Twin Lens Reflex (RLK).

This type of camera has two lenses, one used as an observer (viewing lens) and the other as an object lens (object lens). These cameras usually use film rolls or have also used a 35mm film cassette. Example; Yashicamat, Rolleiflex, Mamiya C220, etc..

5. View camera

This type of camera is a camera designed for professional purposes, because it has a flexibility that is much broader than the other types of cameras. But the way this camera pengoprasian complicated, so that only very few who are interested. Example: Horseman, Combo, Toyo View, etc..

6. Pocket Camera

This camera is a simple camera with limited facilities and the use of 110 size film cassette. Example: Fujica, Kodak, etc..

7. Instant Picture Camera

This type of camera is better known as the Polaroid camera or photo camera awamnya term so direct. This camera makes the picture instantly nature (instant). The film used the type of paper or instant Polaroid film. Widely used by photographers around the tourist sites.


The lens is the camera's eye view of an object that will be recorded into the film (celluloid tape). Through the object will be lensalah latent shadows that form on the surface of the film and became real image during the washing process.

There are 4 important things in choosing lenses, namely:

1. Mounting; the end of the lens that serves to connect the camera lens. Consists of mounting screw type, bayonet, or other types. Each camera and lens have their standards.
2. Accessories ring; the front lens diameter ting can be installed additional equipment (accessories) such as lens filters, solar hood, chockin, etc.. This ring sizes vary include: 49mm, 52mm, 55mm, 60mm, 72mm, 82mm, depending on the type of lens used.
3. Focal Length; the long-focus lens numbers. This determines the characteristics of the lens. The smaller the number of 'lebarlah more mm'nya perspective (converage picture) is obtained, except that it has a sharp space bigger.
4. Diafrahma (f-stop); the size of f-stop number determines the strength of the lens. The smaller the f stopnya stronger lens. Powerful lens is the ability of a lens to pass light through the lens optical equipment. The more light that can be passed so the better lens.

Menuru types of lenses: normal lens (normal lens), wide angle lens (wide angle lens), a short telephoto lens (medium telephoto / portrait lens), ultra wide-angle lens (ultra wide angle lens), a fish eye lens (fish eye lens), a long telephoto lens (telephoto lens), super-long telephoto lens (super telephoto lens), a telephoto lens reflex (reflex telephoto lens), zoom lens (zoom lens), and special lenses (special purpose lens).

So many types of lenses available today, but that will presented here only four types of lenses only, namely:

1. Lens Norma (Norma lens)

This lens is usually a standard lens equipment issued by the factory when we bought a 35mm SLR camera. Focus length is 50mm, but there are also the 40mm size. This picture catches the real appearance seen by ordinary eyes.

2. Wide Angle lens (Wide Angle Lens)

Wide-angle lens has a focus length of 24mm, 28mm, and 35mm. This lens is used to capture large images such as landscapes and for shooting in the narrow room. The resulting perspective is 84, smaller than the original object, the image area into 74 and has a large sharp space.

3. Telephoto lens (telephoto lens)

A telephoto lens as the lens scouts because this lens can capture the objects that were located far enough though, so often used oelh paparazzi to take pictures from a considerable distance. This lens is suitable and often used for portrait photos of people or models. Because it can produce blur (blur background) and a small sharp space. Size range telephoto lens, including: 85mm, 105mm, 135mm, 180mm, 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 600 mm, 1000 mm.

4. Zoom lens (Lens)

This lens type is a combination of several existing types of lenses with a range and a different point of view. Therefore, these lenses are more expensive than the types of other lenses. But using these lenses have many advantages because we do not have to bother to exchange the lens for an object to be photographed. We do not need to vary the position and distance shots. Quite simply shift the position of the lens focus length. Variations on a zoom lens so many kinds, including: 35-70mm, 28-80mm, 28-105mm, 28-210mm, 80-200mm, 50-300mm, 200-600mm. Usage for this lens is suitable for tasks in journalism and sports photos.
Photoshop CS4 features additions such as the ability to paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes, convert gradient maps to 3D objects, add depth to layers and text, get print-quality output with the new ray-tracing rendering engine, and enjoy exporting to supported common 3D formats; the new Adjustment and Mask Panels; Content-aware scaling (also known as seam carving); Fluid Canvas Rotation and File display options.On 30 April, Adobe released Photoshop CS4 Extended, which includes all the same features of Adobe Photoshop CS4 with the addition of capabilities for scientific imaging, 3D, and high end film and video users. The successor to Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS4 is the first 64-bit Photoshop on consumer computers (only on Windows – the OS X version is still 32-bit only.)
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book
When doing an outdoor shoot, sometimes we are tempted to take pictures of people / objects with blue sky background (bright). Usually this condition can be obtained during the day (above 10 hours). However, usually the desired results are not as expected, for example, objects in the picture into the sky silhouette or a white background (over).

This happens because we lightmeter fooled by the difficult lighting conditions, the background is too bright (bright blue sky) while the object is darker than the sky background. So that when we do metering the sky into a silhouette of the object, whereas if we do metering to the object, the sky turned white.

These conditions can be overcome by the use of flash. Object and purpose is to make clear background (not over or silhouette). Here are the steps pemotretannya:

1. Adjust the angle and composition of images that will be made.

2. Use the manual mode on the camera.

3. Enable flash

4. Shuter Arrange a safe speed so that the camera is stable (not shake), I usually set the speed Shuter, 1/ISO or 1/focal length lens.

5. Perform metering into the sky, and set the aperture so that the indicator shows the camera lightmeter that exprosure under (can ½, 1, 2 or even stop), usually by way of discouraging the aperture, and set the focus.

6. Finally, push your camera Shuter.

Above techniques are sometimes led to errors in the form of a photographed object slightly over. This can be overcome with the camera aperture and decrease the lower flash intensity. Shooting distance with the object is also worth noting in this technique. If using the internal flash (GN 12-15), the distance between the camera and photograph the object should not be too far away (1-2 feet), whereas if you use an external flash with a GN is bigger, then the distance can shoot farther.